
Tutorial Sites
Youth Served

On behalf of The Danville Church & Community Tutorial Program Board of Directors it is our privilege to offer this wonderful program to enhance the educational attainment of all parents and youth. We hope our communities of Danville, Pittsylvania County, and Caswell County take full advantage of this wonderful opportunity and utilize this educational tool that will elevate their educational attainment.

2018-2019 Enrollment

Student Impact

SOL Pass Rate

Students with "C" or better in MATH
6th Graders passed MATH SOL
Student Promotion
Students with "C" or better in READING
3rd Graders passed READING SOL

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Carol Ross

We have a student Ma’Kayla, 3rd grader at Gretna Elementary School. Ma’Kayla’s mom brought her to us because of her math grades. The first two marking periods her grades were not good at all (F’s both marking periods). Third marking period Ma’Kayla received a “C”! Through hard work with our tutors Kathy Gilbert and Rhonda Logan working with Ma’Kayla using tools such as Math-terpieces they were able to not only help her get her math grade up but she is also on the honor roll this marking period. Her self esteem is off the chart! This is why we do what we do.

The other success story is our children on honor roll this six weeks went from 11 out of 28 students on role last six weeks to 15 out of 28 students this six weeks. Several of our students have been working very hard to get there grades up to make honor roll and they did it this six weeks. We are so very proud of them all. Those that make honor roll are given a $7 McDonald’s gift card that we present to them during our devotional time. We are praying that all 28 will be on honor roll before the end of the year. To God be all the glory!

Carol Ross
Piney Grove Baptist Tutorial Program

Taylor Doss

I volunteered for the Danville Church-Base Tutorial Program my freshman year at Averett to fill the service learning requirement of Averett101. I fell in love with the program after seeing how much it meant to the children that we were there. After only coming one time a little girl wrote me a letter thanking me for coming and helping her because nobody had ever taken the time to work one on one with her before.

After the class was over I still wanted to be involved in my community and applied to be a Bonner Leader. Through the Bonner Leader Program I was able to partner up with the Danville Church-Base Tutorial Program. After meeting with the direct of the program, the principle of G.L. Johnson elementary school, and multiple other people, I was able to open my own tutoring cite at URW Community Federal Credit Union.
One of my students who always comes in eager to learn and get her work done came in upset one day because she had made all F’s on her midterm. You could look at her and tell she was disappointed in herself and that she did not want me to see her midterm report. After talking to her one on one and looking over her grades she said she does not do well in the classroom because the teacher moves through the material at a faster pace than she could keep up with. After working with her for several weeks on math and reading, she brought in her report card and did not have any F’s. She was so proud of herself, when she walked into tutoring she was so excited to show me her report card. Her reaction made me really feel like I am making a difference in these children’s lives and I think that is what the DCBTP is all about. This is really such a great program and I am so glad I get to be a part of it and work with such amazing children.

Taylor Doss

Shakeva Frazier

I would like to celebrate and recognize Oscar Kemp. Oscar is one of my regulars that attends the Cedar Terrace Youth Center Afterschool Tutorial. Being in this program has allowed Oscar exposure that he may not would have had.  Not only has Oscar maintained honor roll status(10th Grader at Galieo Magnet School) but being a part of the Afterschool program placed Oscar in the September edition of the Showcase, which showcased him in such a positive way that he was invited to be a motivational speaker at a local church. Oscar also was introduced to the YEA entrepreneur workshop at DCC and has been active since last year and will be a part of the Trade Showcase as well as have his own patented product.  Afterschool Tutorial has proved to be successful in molding a positive path for young Oscar Kemp and I know it will continue.  Oscar also has two younger siblings Alivia and James who are frequent STEM attendees which also is helping to guide and move them in the same positive path as  their older brother.

Shakeva Frazier

Deputy Michael B. Hill


Just a little good news for you about Hero’s and Kid’s. I have had the opportunity to work with several different children the last couple of times I’ve been to White Oak Grove Church. But Tuesday was special.  A little girl was sitting at the table yesterday, looking as if she was struggling to read a book. I sit down beside her and ask her if she would like to read to me, she said she would, but was having trouble with some of the words. I told her that it was ok and I would help her. We finished the book and excitedly she ran and got another one and ask if I would help her read that one. I did. She then took me by the hand and took me in to the computer lab and ask me to help her with her computer work, so we started doing her computer work, which was about reading comprehension, I didn’t give her any answers, but I did have her think about what she read. When she made 100 percent, she got excited because she said she had never got 100 on her computer testing. I then sit down and played a numbers game with her and two of her friends. She told me she was going to tell her mama that she liked the police now. When I got ready to leave her and her friends ask me to stay I told them I would see them tomorrow, they all three hugged me. I guess this is our goal. Maybe we can change some views and bridge the gap if we keep going about it the right way.

Deputy Michael B. Hill
Pittsylvania County Sheriff's Office